Sunday, May 13, 2007

Jess - the KATT

Here is that really weird animal I was telling you about. The one that sounds like a gate that needs oil. Its called Jess. When I go up to try and sniff the smelly bits it keeps turning around and batting me with its paw. It sound like it has a leak and goes "ssssssssssssssssssss". It spent the first few days I was here sitting on top of chairs and cupboards. Strange animal. It will now meet me face to face but it still won't play. I run after it and it jumps over the gate. How can something so tiny jump so high? In this photo you can see my new rug. They still keep trying to get me to sit on it. Today my new family took me to the beach again. I've been good learning how to "come" when I'm called. So they let me off my lead for a while. I could go where I wanted, until I saw a man on the golf course who looked familiar and I went a bit far. I was back on the lead after that.

By the way, these posts are signed by Ken, but it's really me, Sirus. I'm still waiting for the Blogger help people to send me a password so I can sign my own posts.. See you soon.

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